For me, the best thing to do on second life so far is playing trivia lol, as i get to joke around with the people whom i've gotten to know, and earn some money at the same time. Therefore i tend to neglect exploring SL when i log on. I went to orientation island and finding not much to do, I tried to move around on a inflatable boat i got for free, but after a while it supposedly got sent to the lost and found... which basically consisted of my screen jumping about without my character or the boat he boarded. Here was a part of the transcript for one of the trivia games i played yesterday :3 There were quite a few people there but we only had 2 or 3 playing, most were content with dancing around and possibly IMing each other. Because of that i began competing, for a while atleast, with Sabine. But she types too fast so i gave up = =
[2008/12/09 8:14] Trivia Ball v1.23: SexyJade Echegaray has started a trivia game!
[2008/12/09 8:14] Kram Plutonian: Hi Sexy hi everyone!!
[2008/12/09 8:14] SexyJade Echegaray: hi dancing
[2008/12/09 8:14] Trivia Ball v1.23: Trivia Category is: FUN FOOD TRIVIA
[2008/12/09 8:14] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: hello sexy
[2008/12/09 8:14] Sabine Martian: on my screen u r still tiny
[2008/12/09 8:14] Rejeanne's Group Moneyball: Moneyball is active.
[2008/12/09 8:14] Kram Plutonian: So many to say Hi to individually!!
[2008/12/09 8:14] Sabine Martian: or again?
[2008/12/09 8:14] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: u look like my grandma xD
[2008/12/09 8:14] Kram Plutonian: Really?
[2008/12/09 8:14] Trivia Ball v1.23: Ready for some more trivia?
[2008/12/09 8:14] redrose Kohime: yes he is on mine Sabine
[2008/12/09 8:14] Cornwallis Quinnell: yup
[2008/12/09 8:14] Trivia Ball v1.23: Question 1 of 20: What American city produces most of the egg rolls sold in grocery stores in the United States?
[2008/12/09 8:14] Lily Balut: lol grandma
[2008/12/09 8:14] Sabine Martian: LoL!
[2008/12/09 8:14] Sabine Martian: yes
[2008/12/09 8:14] Sabine Martian: houston
[2008/12/09 8:14] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: houston
[2008/12/09 8:14] Trivia Ball v1.23: Sabine Martian has it right!
[2008/12/09 8:14] Trivia Ball v1.23: The correct answer was: Houston, Texas
[2008/12/09 8:14] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: xDD
[2008/12/09 8:14] Sabine Martian: :P
[2008/12/09 8:15] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: aww
[2008/12/09 8:15] Kram Plutonian: OK, I'll get my coat....
[2008/12/09 8:15] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: wd
[2008/12/09 8:15] Cornwallis Quinnell: lol
[2008/12/09 8:15] Sabine Martian: Thank you! :)
[2008/12/09 8:15] Lily Balut: relog kram ... that's the best fix
[2008/12/09 8:15] Sabine Martian: coat wont help
[2008/12/09 8:15] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: ^^
[2008/12/09 8:15] Sabine Martian: LoL!
[2008/12/09 8:15] Trivia Ball v1.23: OK, next trivia question...
[2008/12/09 8:15] Cornwallis Quinnell: grins
[2008/12/09 8:15] Trivia Ball v1.23: Question 2 of 20: What was margarine called when it was first marketed in England?
[2008/12/09 8:15] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: butterine
[2008/12/09 8:15] Trivia Ball v1.23: DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow has it right!
[2008/12/09 8:15] Sabine Martian: butterine
[2008/12/09 8:15] Trivia Ball v1.23: The correct answer was: Butterine
[2008/12/09 8:15] Sabine Martian: wtg
[2008/12/09 8:15] Lily Balut: lol butterine
[2008/12/09 8:15] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: tyvm :3
[2008/12/09 8:15] Lily Balut: poms!
[2008/12/09 8:16] Sabine Martian: what a ridiculous name huh?
[2008/12/09 8:16] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: haha
[2008/12/09 8:16] Trivia Ball v1.23: It's TRIVIA TIME!
[2008/12/09 8:16] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: did u memorize the answers like i did?
[2008/12/09 8:16] Sabine Martian: sure
[2008/12/09 8:16] Trivia Ball v1.23: Question 3 of 20: What is the literal meaning of the Italian word linguine?
[2008/12/09 8:16] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: haha
[2008/12/09 8:16] Sabine Martian: small tongues
[2008/12/09 8:16] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: little tongues
[2008/12/09 8:16] Trivia Ball v1.23: DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow has it right!
[2008/12/09 8:16] Trivia Ball v1.23: The correct answer was: Little tongues
[2008/12/09 8:16] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: looks like i got it down more solid?
[2008/12/09 8:16] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: hehe
[2008/12/09 8:16] Cornwallis Quinnell: tc all *waves*
[2008/12/09 8:17] Sabine Martian: bye corn
[2008/12/09 8:17] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: ur leaving corn?
[2008/12/09 8:17] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: bye bye
[2008/12/09 8:17] Trivia Ball v1.23: Hey, did somebody say, TRIVIA?
[2008/12/09 8:17] Lily Balut: ooooooooo claws back in!
[2008/12/09 8:17] Lily Balut: :p
[2008/12/09 8:17] Trivia Ball v1.23: Question 4 of 20: What was the name of Cheerios when it was first marketed 50 years ago?
[2008/12/09 8:17] Lily Balut: bye corn
[2008/12/09 8:17] redrose Kohime: hello Rafeal
[2008/12/09 8:17] Sabine Martian: cheerioats
[2008/12/09 8:17] Trivia Ball v1.23: Sabine Martian has it right!
[2008/12/09 8:17] Trivia Ball v1.23: The correct answer was: Cheerioats
[2008/12/09 8:17] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: cheeriots
[2008/12/09 8:17] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: gj XD
[2008/12/09 8:17] Sabine Martian: hehe
[2008/12/09 8:18] Sabine Martian: th
[2008/12/09 8:18] Sabine Martian: thx
[2008/12/09 8:18] redrose Kohime: hello Sinner
[2008/12/09 8:18] Trivia Ball v1.23: Fingers ready? Here it comes!
[2008/12/09 8:18] Sabine Martian: my fingers are cold
[2008/12/09 8:18] Sabine Martian: hello sinner
[2008/12/09 8:18] Lily Balut: Hoooo! sinner
[2008/12/09 8:18] Trivia Ball v1.23: Question 5 of 20: What is the only essential vitamin not found in the white potato?
[2008/12/09 8:18] Sabine Martian: LoL!
[2008/12/09 8:18] Sabine Martian: a
[2008/12/09 8:18] Trivia Ball v1.23: Sabine Martian has it right!
[2008/12/09 8:18] KISS AUTOMATICO: redrose Kohime sends greetings to Sinner Sleeper!
[2008/12/09 8:18] Trivia Ball v1.23: The correct answer was: Vitamin A
[2008/12/09 8:18] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: a
[2008/12/09 8:18] Sabine Martian: LoL!
[2008/12/09 8:18] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: aaaaaaaaaaah
[2008/12/09 8:18] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: lol
[2008/12/09 8:18] Sabine Martian Giggles
[2008/12/09 8:18] Sabine Martian: kiss dancing
[2008/12/09 8:18] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: wtg x3
[2008/12/09 8:18] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: snatches kiss
[2008/12/09 8:18] redrose Kohime: hello Dec
[2008/12/09 8:19] Sabine Martian: hello dec
[2008/12/09 8:19] Trivia Ball v1.23: Let's get TRIVIAL!
[2008/12/09 8:19] Dec Laryukov: hi :)
[2008/12/09 8:19] Trivia Ball v1.23: Question 6 of 20: What is the most widely eaten fish in the world?
[2008/12/09 8:19] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: hello dec
[2008/12/09 8:19] KISS AUTOMATICO: redrose Kohime sends greetings to Dec Laryukov!
[2008/12/09 8:19] Sabine Martian: herring
[2008/12/09 8:19] Trivia Ball v1.23: Sabine Martian has it right!
[2008/12/09 8:19] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: herring
[2008/12/09 8:19] Trivia Ball v1.23: The correct answer was: The Herring
[2008/12/09 8:19] Sabine Martian: ***HaHaHaHa***
[2008/12/09 8:19] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: good typing sabine xD
[2008/12/09 8:19] Sabine Martian: thx
[2008/12/09 8:19] Sabine Martian: and that with COLD fingers
[2008/12/09 8:19] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: lol
[2008/12/09 8:19] Trivia Ball v1.23: Heeeere's TRIVIA!
[2008/12/09 8:19] redrose Kohime: freezing here
[2008/12/09 8:20] KISS AUTOMATICO: Sabine Martian sends greetings to Dec Laryukov!
[2008/12/09 8:20] Sabine Martian: we had a lil snow today
[2008/12/09 8:20] Trivia Ball v1.23: Question 7 of 20: What cookie treats were introduced in 1902 as a Christmas novelty, and packaged with a string handle so they would be hung from the Christmas trees?
[2008/12/09 8:20] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: u can always go warm up x3
[2008/12/09 8:20] Sabine Martian: animal crackers
[2008/12/09 8:20] Trivia Ball v1.23: Sabine Martian has it right!
[2008/12/09 8:20] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: anim
[2008/12/09 8:20] Trivia Ball v1.23: The correct answer was: Animal Crackers
[2008/12/09 8:20] redrose Kohime: nothing here just so cold and mist
[2008/12/09 8:20] Sabine Martian: LoL!
[2008/12/09 8:20] DancingMojoSpieluhr Sideshow: lol how fast do u type