2009年1月12日 星期一

Internet as Glocal Discourse

In the article "The Internet as a Glocal Discourse Environment" it states how the articles of Lam and Bloch promotes an optimistic view of the internet in L2 learning, and how it offers considerable potential to the development of L2 for an individual. It also states that programs and processes like word processor, hypertext, and the internet show slight improvement in helping education. However it should be noted that the lack of improvement cannot be blamed on technology alone. The major factor contributing to the failure of vast improvements to education through the use of technology rests with the learners. It cannot be denied that the use of technology has greatly increased the amount of learning materials available to learners, as long as they are willing to search and use these materials. Researchers also must take into consideration poorer nations where learners have little access to the educational material available only through the use of the internet and related technologies.
