2008年12月31日 星期三

Social and Cognitive Collaboration

In "Future Foreign Language Teachers' Social and Cognitive Collaboration in an Online Environment" by Arnold, N. and Ducate, L. (2006) research was done to gain more insight on how computer mediated communication is a viable means in which to teach students. As opposed to the conventional method of teaching in a classroom, the effects and results of teaching in a virtual environment is still disputable. The research involving student discussions in groups showed that out of the 5 groups, there were two groups that are able to reach the expected cognitive level of processing in the research. The results, however, were below expectations as one group failed to reach the level of cognitive process while two groups arrived at an resolution only once. The research is showing how teacher facilitation is not necessary, as students are capable of reaching resolutions by themselves with teacher involvement and peer feedback.

However, the research was done in a controlled environment. The students chosen for the research were all capable students, with the research methodology stating that the students all passed the TOEFL test with atleast a score of 250. Therefore this research cannot represent students on a global scale. There are age differences, and student motivation to consider. Age plays a role as it limits experience, and the motivation of students in an online environment is crucial. It is easy for students to multitask or even sidetrack from the task in an online environment as there exists many resources on computers to be used. When this occurs it becomes difficult for the students to continue in discussions and come to a resolution. Without motivation, students become less willing to participate in the group discussion.

The research can be expanded to include other social/age groups in order to come to a result which can be used as a reference for learning in online environments.

3 則留言:

M.Y. 提到...
M.Y. 提到...

Even though they were advanced and motivated studnets, most of them failed to reach resolution. There must be some reasons besides age amd motivation.

Multitasks and sidetrack from tasks are common in SCMC, but do these reasons also hold true in ASCMC contexts?

Derek 提到...

good point, since ASCMC does not require an immediate response multitasking and being sidetracked is less likely, but not impossible.