2008年10月28日 星期二

OMG Joker dresses like a clown!?

Heres another post on i09 that i found interesting, albeit short. The main content of the blog involves a video clip from a site called collegehumor. The clip basically compares Batman to Superman in a humorous way. It has a point about the differences between these two superheroes and how having a superpower allows superman to surpass batman who is without a power of some sort. In a nutshell, the comments for the entry generally revolve around the personal opinions of the viewers on whether batman is better or Superman. I'd personally go with Batman, not because he is better but because he has more character... being more emo n all, hiding in the shadows n sh*t.

2008年10月14日 星期二

Dumbledore Calrissian? ...that doesn't sound right...

Well, I was browsing through the posts on i09 and came across a post consisting mainly of a clip from "The Office." There isn't much content aside from the clip, yet it spawned some interesting comments and discussions from readers. The character Dwight, an avid SciFi fan, listens painfully to Jim as he talks about Battlestar Galactica, tempted yet unable to correct the constant errors Jim makes since Jim begins timing him whenever he wasted time. The post and comments reflect the way the readers think about not only the clip, but about their culture and lives as well. n e ways, the clip was lotsa fun to watch as it was humorous the whole way through.

2008年10月7日 星期二

I just love reading about movies >___>

While browsing around google and various other search engines(more like frantically searching) for blogs interesting enough to prevent my thought processes from going on stand by after reading the first sentence, I came across this l33t blog by Meredith Woerner. The blog focuses on movies, specifically sci-fi movies if I'm not mistaken. The entry that drew me to her blog was a sep. 18th post about the top 20 worst fiction movies of all times that people love, and explains WHY some of the crappy movies were so loveable. I especially like the comment on The Chronicles of Riddick about "the fact that you can prevent the death-inducing sun from burning you alive with a little water" and the part where the writer mentions killing someone with a tea cup. When you've seen the movie Riddick you'd think the tea cup scene was pretty awesome, but written on a blog, the thought of killing someone with a cup becomes hilarious... what did riddick do? scald someone to death with a cup/cups of hot tea?

With such an interesting top 20 list, no wonder the view count is at 80k views after half a month. The casual writing style coupled with the humor in the paragraphs made reading this top 20 list more interesting than a lot of other blogs i came across today... blogs that are blogs of note no less... I, for one, believes that a blog that goes on and on about dinner plates should not be listed in blogs of note. It's boring as heck. The comments center around which other movie should have made the top 20 best worst movies list, and in depth responses on why some of the movies are as good as they are. The entry acts as a medium in which movie enthusiasts from anywhere online will be able to participate in discussions about movies, regardless of where they are.

Aside from this entry I also came across another hilarious entry on the same blog about the Simpsons, where Homer tries to vote Obama. "Hello, I'd like to vote for president, governor, anything that would take money away from our parks and libraries" and "Ah! this doesn't happen in America! Maybe Ohio! But not in America!!" ... lol classic